we met the new probation officer yesterday. the best news, Ant and him clicked!
his name is earl, and i found him quite.......quirky, but that doesn't matter, what matters is Ant liked him!
i am hoping to hear from a lady in AB regarding his education status this week to see if he needs summer school. he keeps talking like he's staying, and we hope he does, but i would hate to have to put him into grade nine again....so if summer school is what it takes then summer school it is.\
this kid is 15 going on 30! he would NOT fit into to middle school!
still working on getting his birth certificate for him so he can get his SIN and apply for a job!
(i still can't type SIN without laughing....like the gov is sin....maybe i should be in middle school!)
yesterday he mowed the lawn and today he is washing his bedding and a couple other chores i left for him.
i sure hope this keeps going this way.....it's only been 12 days.....and counting.
sounds like you're doing amazing at this Sheila!!!